Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited has appointed Environmental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd (EIMS) as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner to undertake the necessary environmental authorisation and associated consultation processes for a proposed Brand A Tailings Storage Facility and associated infrastructure near Welkom in the Matjhabeng Local Municipality in the Free State province. Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (hereafter referred to as Harmony / “the applicant”) has appointed Environmental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd (EIMS) as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to undertake the necessary environmental authorisation and associated consultation processes for a proposed Brand A Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) and associated infrastructure near Welkom in the Matjhabeng Local Municipality in the Free State province.Slurry deposition is proposed on the Brand A TSF footprint and the existing Return Water Dam (RW Dam) will be used for the process. In order to allow for slurry deposition on Brand A from either of the operational plants (Central Plant, Saaiplaas Plant and One Plant), a number of new residue deposition pipelines may be required.
The applicant owns and operates a number of Gold Mines and plants in the Welkom region in the Free State and currently deposits tailings onto the Free State South 2 Tailings Storage Facility, St. Helena 4 TSF, St. Helena 123 TSF, Dam 23 TSF, Brand D TSF and Target 1&2 TSF. The current planned Life of Min of the Free State operations exceed the available deposition capacity of these TSFs. As such, Harmony is undertaking a feasibility assessment to redeposit slurry on the footprint of Brand A TSF which has largely been reclaimed to date. The study area falls within the Matjhabeng Local Municipality Wards 8, 11 and 24 (Lejweleputswa District Municipality) administrative area. The project area is situated within 22 farm properties distributed between Farm Harmony 222, Farm Klippan 14, Farm La Riviera 289, Farm Rustgevonden 564, Farm Saaiplaas 690, Farm Saaiplaas 771, and Farm Vaalkranz 220.
Call to Register Phase
Environmental Scoping Report (Click here)
- Appendix A: Site Maps and Layout
- Appendix B: Curriculum Vitae of Environmental Assessment Practitioner
- Appendix C: Public Participation
- Appendix D: DFFE Screening Tool Report
- Appendix E: Site Sensitivity Screening Report
- Appendix F: Preliminary Impact Assessment Matrix
- Appendix G: Application Form