Kelvin Power (Pty) Ltd (“Kelvin”) has appointed Environmental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd (EIMS) as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to assist with undertaking the required authorisation processes (including the statutory public participation), and to compile and submit the required documentation in support of application for:
- Environmental Authorisation (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act.
- Atmospheric Emissions Licence in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act- NEM:AQA (Act 39 of 2004).
- Waste Management Licence in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act- NEM:WA (Act 59 of 2008).
- Water Use Licence (WUL) in accordance with the National Water Act – NWA (Act 36 of 1998).
Specific EIA listed activities and/or water uses will be confirmed during the process. The applicant wishes to develop a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant at the Kelvin Power Station. The net output will be approximately 600 megawatts. The CCGT Power Plant will comprise of one H class gas turbine, a heat recovery boiler and a steam turbine. The main structures comprising the plant include a gas turbine building, steam turbine building, water treatment plant, heat recovery steam generator, mechanical draft cooling tower, EHV substation, exhaust stack, auxiliary buildings and administration buildings. Other possible infrastructure includes additional water and treated sewage wastewater supply pipelines, as well as electricity transmission lines to the City Power Sebenza substation adjacent to the power station.